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Bend man fights a banking giant Chase Bank sued over foreclosure action

SALEM — Tim Collette will not leave quietly.

He’s not looking for a handout, or to be let off the hook, the Bend resident said. For him, it’s about fairness. A straight answer.

When he bought his $365,000 home in 2006, he put a $127,000 down payment on it. In 2008, the economy tanked. His contracting work dried up.

The story is a familiar one. He tried to get a loan modification. There were lost files, different answers. And so, instead of packing his boxes and leaving his investment, Collette is firing back: he’s suing J.P. Morgan Chase Bank.

“Too many people have gone through this and someone has to go, ‘no, this is not OK and we’re going to hold you to task,’ and I guess that’s me,” Collette said.

Collette made national news, in part because the day his home was slated for foreclosure was also the day his son was coming home from fighting in Iraq.

John Bowles is a Lake Oswego attorney representing Collette. Bowles, whose firm specializes in foreclosure-related cases, said he has 60 other similar cases. READ MORE

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